Roberto Bolaño bibliography

Roberto Bolaño bibliography
Books 23
Novels 13
Articles 1 collection
Stories 53
Collections 4
Poems 3 collections
Collaborations 1
References and footnotes

This is a bibliography of works by Roberto Bolaño.



Note: Titles appearing in brackets have not yet been translated into English so their names are literal translations of the original Spanish titles.


English title Original Spanish title Translations available
The Skating Rink La Pista de Hielo, 1993 Chris Andrews, August 2009
Nazi Literature in the Americas Literatura Nazi en América, 1996 Chris Andrews, February 2008
Distant Star Estrella Distante, 1996 Chris Andrews, December 2004
The Savage Detectives Los Detectives Salvajes, 1998 Natasha Wimmer, April 2007
Amulet Amuleto, 1999 Chris Andrews, January 2007
Monsieur Pain Monsieur Pain, 1999 Chris Andrews, January 2010
By Night in Chile Nocturno de Chile, 2000 Chris Andrews, December 2003
Antwerp Amberes, 2002 Natasha Wimmer, April 2010
[A Lumpen Novella] Una Novelita Lumpen, 2002 (not yet translated)
2666 2666, 2004 Natasha Wimmer, November 2008
The Third Reich El Tercer Reich, 2010 Natsha Wimmer, November 2011
[The Troubles of the Real Police Officer] Los Sinsabores Del Verdadero Policía, 2011 (not yet translated)
[Diorama] Diorama (not yet published or translated)

Short stories

English title Original Spanish title Original Spanish Collection Engllish Collection
Sensini Sensini Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Henri Simon Leprince Henri Simon Leprince Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Enrique Martín Enrique Martín Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
A Literary Adventure Una Aventura Literaria Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Phone Calls Llamadas Telefónicas Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
The Grub El Gusano Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Snow La nieve Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
Another Russian Tale Otro Cuento Ruso Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
William Burns William Burns Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
Detectives Detectives Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
Cell Mates Compañeros de Celda Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
Clara Clara Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
Joanna Sivestri Joanna Silvestri Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 The Return, 2010
Anne Moore's Life Vida de Anne Moore Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Mauricio ("The Eye") Silva El Ojo Silva Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Gómez Palacio Gómez Palacio Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Last Evenings on Earth Últimos Atardeceres en la Tierra Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Days of 1978 Días de 1978 Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Vagabond in France and Belgium Vagabundo en Francia y Bélgica Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Prefiguration of Lalo Cura Prefiguración de Lalo Cura Putas Asesinas, 2001 The Return, 2010
Murdering Whores Putas Asesinas Putas Asesinas, 2001 The Return, 2010
The Return El Retorno Putas Asesinas, 2001 The Return, 2010
Buba Buba Putas Asesinas, 2001 The Return, 2010
Dentist Dentista Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Photos Fotos Putas Asesinas, 2001 The Return, 2010
Dance Card Carnet de Baile Putas Asesinas, 2001 Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Meeting with Enrique Lihn Encuentro con Enrique Lihn Putas Asesinas, 2001 The Return, 2010
Jim Jim El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
The Insufferable Gaucho El Gaucho Insufrible El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Police Rat El Policía de las Ratas El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Alvaro Rousselot’s Journey El Viaje de Álvaro Rousselot El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Two Catholic Tales Dos Cuentos Católicos El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Literature + Illness = Illness Literatura + Enfermedad = Enfermedad El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
The Myths of Cthulhu Los Mitos de Cthulhu El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
[The Lindavista Colony] La Colonia Lindavista El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[The Secret of Evil] El Secreto del Mal El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[The Old Man of the Mountain] El Viejo de la Montaña El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[The Colonel's Son] El Hijo del Coronel El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Elders of Sodom] Sabios de Sodoma El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[The Next Room] La Habitación de al Lado El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Labyrinth] Laberinto El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Heavy Drifts] Derivas de la Pesada El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Crimes] Crímenes El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[I Can not Read] No Sé Leer El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Beach] Playa El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Muscles] Músculos El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[The Tour] La Gira El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Daniela] Daniela El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Tan] Bronceado El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Death of Ulysses] Muerte de Ulises El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[The Provocateur] El Provocador El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Sevilla Kills Me] Sevilla me Mata El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011
[Days of Chaos] Las Jornadas del Caos El Secreto del Mal, 2007 The Secret of Evil, forthcoming, November 2011

Short story collections

English title Original Spanish publications Translator
Last Evenings on Earth selection of stories from Putas Asesinas, 2001
and Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997
Chris Andrews, April 2007
The Return selection of stories from Putas Asesinas, 2001
and Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997
Chris Andrews, June 2010
The Insufferable Gaucho El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 Chris Andrews, August 2010
The Secret of Evil El Secreto del Mal, 2007 Chris Andrews, forthcoming, April 2012

Poetry collections

English title Original Spanish title Translations available Notes
The Romantic Dogs Los Perros Románticos:
Poemas 1980-1998
, 2000
Laura Healy, 2008 43 poems written from 1980 to 1998
Tres Tres, 2000 Laura Healy, September 2011 Three poem sequences
[The Unknown University] La Universidad Desconocida, 2007 Laura Healy, forthcoming, 2011 Spanish version includes Bolaño's collected poetry
and the novella Antwerp


Title Original Spanish title Written with
[Advice from a Morrison
Disciple to a Joyce Fanatic
(not yet translated)
Consejos de un discípulo de Morrison
a un fanático de Joyce
, 1984
Antoni García Porta

Non fiction

Title Translator Published
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview
& Other Conversations
Sybil Perez November 2009
Between Parentheses: Essays,
Articles and Speeches, 1998-2003
Natasha Wimmer May 2011